Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Week 1: Plastic tub jungle and something more important

I had big plans to get lots of stuff done today, since it was a stay home day.  I was laying on the couch this morning trying to get enough energy to start working and M came to join me.  I hugged her and said "I need to get up."  She looked at me with her big brown eyes and said "You need to NOT get up,"  and then cuddled up next to me.  The work waited.  

Some things are just more important than organizing.  :)

But I did manage to get a project done that has been nagging me.  I had trash bags and trash bags full of outgrown and out of season clothing and shoes sitting in the basement, waiting to be sorted.  I got up the nerve to carry them all up and have a sorting party.  The girls made signs and carried clothes to piles while I sorted. I even found an entire winter wardrobe for M that D had outgrown.

The results 7 tubs, 1 box, 5 trash bags of stuff to sell, a tub to play in, and one giant laundry pile!  Now I need a big strapping man to help me carry all the tubs back downstairs!  


  1. how exciting!! I need to sort through and organize all our tubs of clothes. Maybe I'll make A help me do that tomorrow.

    Congrats on the hard work :D

  2. haha i like it. i have one of those tubes. walmart. how i miss thee...

