Rooms cleaned/organized: 2 (plus clothes tubs and coat closet)
coat closet: updates coming soon!
Exercise: 3 out of 7 days
80 minutes total on the elliptical
I had a rough morning. It was one of those mornings where nothing seems to go right and everyone gets irritable. It put me in a depressing mood and all I wanted to do after church was take a nap; I was completely unmotivated. It was frustrating because I felt so great yesterday and got so much done, to follow it up with a lazy unproductive day. Although it's aggravating, it isn't surprising, because it is a normal reaction for me. This is one of the reasons that I get myself organized and then let everything go. Part of this project is to help me better understand myself and work through my self-inflicted obstacles. So, I gave myself a little lazy time, ran a much needed errand, and then did a small productive project, the coat closet.
I still feel a little disappointed with myself and wish I had made myself exercise, but I am trying to remember that baby steps are okay.
So overall, this was a good week. I feel like I accomplished a lot of cleaning/organizing, I started exercising, lost a few pounds, and even learned a little about myself. I did have one setback, in my concentration on cleaning the garage and exercising, I let the downstairs of my house get out of control. A little picking up and some laundry this evening has gotten it back to a manageable point. I really struggle with the maintenance side of cleaning. My dad once joked that I had to let my house get to a certain threshold of messiness before I could start cleaning up. He isn't too far off.
Goals for next week:
- exercise at least 4 days
- continue to eat healthier, cut snacking, and eat smaller portions
- try to maintain the cleanliness of the rooms I have already organized
- tackle the playroom, my car, and maybe the my bedroom
I also have a few new long term/ big goals that I am working on, stay tuned for more...
Keep up the good work are off to an inspiring start!