Wednesday, April 6, 2011


I feel like I am finally on the upswing!  I have managed to be eat better this week, and gotten a little exercise.  Yesterday, we walked home from my parents house, instead of driving.  It may seem like a small thing, but it makes me feel good!

I tackled the office, girls' room, and master bedroom today.  I am starting to feel like an organized house is within my grasp.  It seems like my drive and ambition follows the laws of motion.  Once I start cleaning and organizing, I don't want to stop.  Getting over the inertia and getting started is the problem.  The key is to keep on top of everything each day, because I struggle with the day to day stuff that keeps my house from becoming overwhelming.

I had a great afternoon with my hubby and the girls today.  We went on a long nature "treasure" hunt and collected lots of great "treasures,"  and got some exercise.  While I am not an outdoorsy person, I don't dislike the outdoors.  I have OCD tendencies and issues with dirt, so it is a struggle to accept that my children like to dig in the dirt and pick things up off the ground.  I try really hard not to let my OCDness rub off on my children, but every once in a while I catch myself saying "ew, don't touch that!"  I did a good job of letting go today, and letting Dinah pick up all kinds of dirt!

Getting ready to go:

The "Treasures"


1 comment:

  1. We are all imperfect parents, that's for sure! The important thing is making the effort...even when we fail. I love the theme of your blog. I'm adding it to my blogroll. Please feel free to reciprocate! :-) - Alicia
